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Hong Kong 97 Magazine: What You Need to Know About This Iconic Publication

In an advertisement in the underground magazine Game Urara[8] for another HappySoft title, The Story of Kamikuishiki Village, Hong Kong 97's poor quality is acknowledged, with the advert referring to the game as "dreadful" and "incomprehensible". It also claims that bootleg copies of the game were widely sold in Hong Kong and Bangkok.[9]

Hong Kong 97 Magazine

Crime rate has skyrockeded!Hongkong is ruined!Therefore, the Hongkong government called Bruce Lee's relative "Chin" for the massacre of the reds.Chin is a killer machine.Wipe out all 1.2 billion of the red communists!

A year ago in Dallas atWorld Workplace 97, I heard Alan M. Webber deliver a keynote address to an earlymorning audience of facilities managers. Alan inspired us with his vision of thefuture of work. Without notes, and thoroughly relaxed, he talked for an hourabout Fast Company, the US-based business magazine that he helped tofound. His talk inspired me to seek out Fast Company and to read it fromcover-to-cover. In the last year I cannot say that I have once come across theterm facilities management. However, each month I have to acknowledge that theeditors and contributors add something of importance to all facility managers.Editions that stick out in my mind are the October 97 and the November 98 ones.The first because it dealt with "customer care" in a lucid and dramatic way,reminding all of us that without customers we have no business. The latter posedthe rhetorical question "what is the future of business". The magazine has anexcellent Web site, including an online chat line forum.

FM DATACOM is anonline monthly magazine for facility management professionals. Typical featuresinclude a "What's new" feature; an online conference; a building project file;and a benchmarking survey section. The last section requires a user password. (Iobtained mine by submitting a short review article on the development of FM inHong Kong.) The benchmarking segment is excellent. Current benchmarking surveysunder review are corporate-level facility costs; cost of moves; CAFM software;and using Internet technology for corporate services.


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